Los Tules Middle School Office Building


Los Tules Middle School will be offering fall sports in the form of 7th and 8th-grade boys flag football and 7th and 8th-grade girls volleyball. Winter sports will be 7th and 8th-grade boys and girls soccer/basketball followed by track and field in the spring. Please contact our school office for more information.

Education Equity Program

The California Department of Education recently issued the 2015-2016 Education Equity program instrument (Guidance), which is used to monitor a local educational agency's (LEA) compliance with laws on equity in the treatment of students. A major purpose behind the bill is to make it easier to monitor and enforce Title IX and state requirements for gender equity in public school athletics. 

We are required to post (1) total school enrollment, classified by gender; (2) total number of students who participate in athletics, classified by gender; and (3) total number of school athletic teams, classified by gender, sport, and competition level. (Source: Lozano Smith, Attorneys at Law)

We invite you to view our school’s education equity numbers.

Physical Education Instructional Time

The adopted course of study for grades 1 to 6, inclusive, shall include instruction, beginning in grade 1 and continuing through grade 6, in physical education, with emphasis upon the physical activities for the pupils that may be conducive to health and vigor of body and mind, for a total period of time of not less than 200 minutes each ten schooldays, exclusive of recesses and the lunch period. (Ed. Code 51210 (a)(7)) You may review our P.E. instructional time as well as our P.E. instructional schedule for more information.

If you have questions regarding physical education minutes, you should first contact your child’s teacher or principal. If you are not satisfied with the site level response, please contact: 

Assistant Superintendent of Personnel
600 N. Cherry
Tulare, CA 93274
You can submit any complaints regarding the number of P.E. minutes provided for your child using the uniform complaint procedures form, which is available in English and Español and is also available in the district office located at 600 N. Cherry, Tulare, California 93274.

Athletic Schedules

Check out our athletics schedules. We hope to see you at our events.